They, of course, still manage to have their moments. It can't be all that bad when your downtime looks like this though:

The packing for our move to Canberra has begun tonight. It is going to be interesting with 6 little fluffies trying to climb into every box as I try and pack it. Constant head counts will be a must!
The n00bs, as we call them, are now 13 weeks old and certainly of age to be desexed and rehomed, I am just waiting for one of them to make it past the 1kg mark before we can see them off to their forever homes.
Speaking of forever homes, if you are reading this please share it with all you know. Whether through social networking, emails or printing out the photos and showing them to people - you can link to the previous post with our studio shots and show everyone you know. Even if they aren't looking for a pet, they might know someone who is. I hope to take these beautiful kittens next week to find their forever homes, so the deadline is looming. Please help us to make sure they don't stay long in the shelter. They all have gorgeous personalities and have been well socialisied including children and other pets.
That's my pitch for the night. If you can't manage a new pet in your household, but want to help the push for zero euthanasia of healthy sociable animals and the reduction of companion animal overbreeding, please consider visiting to make a donation.
Ok so 2 pitches... you can handle it :)
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