But no more! We've been reminded over the past week or so that people do, indeed, actually read this blog. So we had best up our game and fill you in.
The little ones are going very well. They had a little holiday at the RSPCA while we were away, and obviously loved it as they put on about 15og each! It has left me wondering what I've been doing wrong as they have been so up and down since they came back to us. After much thought, it seems to be that we are feeding them too often. As I have the luxury of being at home pretty much all day, every day, they are getting small amounts of food quite often, so they had no need to graze on their dry food. We have now changed to a big meal in the morning, and a big one at night and have found much more dry food has disappeared from their feeder than previously.
Of course, life being what it is, and that bastard Murphy being ever so correct - just as I worked out what was wrong with their feeding, Pearl develops a case of the flu. The day after I picked them up from the RSPCA (Tuesday last week) Pearl managed to twist her leg in their smaller enclosure and needed to be taken to the vet. A little anti-inflammatory injection and lots of cuddles saw her right as rain, but sure enough, 3 days later her sneezing (she has always been a sneezy kitten) ramped up, and by last night she was all blocked up and having to breathe through her mouth. I sat up for a couple of hours doing steam inhalations with her (I needed it for myself somewhat also) last night, and then did the same this morning. She's also been in the ensuite with the shower steaming up the room. We have yet another vet's appointment (I feel sorry for this vet - it's always Pearl with the issues.) tomorrow so we can get some antibiotics but of course, they only really help with any secondary infections she might encounter. This is important for Pearl, as she was taken from mum so early and is likely to have immune issues but it won't help the flu much. It takes about 2 weeks for them to recover which will probably be just in time for her to go back for desexing!
I'm sure somewhere in here I'm meant to get some work done?



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