Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Judgement Day

UPDATE: The below post was actually written a week ago.  We have been having constant internet connection issues thanks partly to the vast amounts of rain Canberra has been having, which meant rather than posting, this entry has sat in the drafts box for a week.  The situation now is that we were asked to take the kittens back for an extra week after their desexing, to make sure they didn't get flu.  To make things a bit more complicated, Pearl happened to sneeze while in the vet's office (she does it all the time - part of being a very curious kitty and getting into all sorts of corners) and so they didn't desex her from fear that she might have flu.  There have been absolutely no signs of flu from the kittens in the last week, so hopefully they can all go back.  I need to give the RSPCA a call to find out where we go from here...

Here's the post from a week ago:

The day has arrived for our little ones to go forth and find a home.  We did their final photo shoot last night and a sample of the results are below.  It was much more difficult to get shots with these guys, as they were not at all used to posing.  Where before we had always done multiple shoots with the kittens, these guys only had the one due to their initial young age, and then Teddy's eye issues with flu.  Hopefully, we got some shots suitable for the RSPCA website, and for finding them good homes quickly.

We went to a bit of a thank-you get together at the RSPCA tonight.  It was lovely to be thanked for what we are doing and the difference in euthanasia statistics for this year, compared to last is astounding.  We are so happy that we can contribute to enhancing the lives of innocent animals as well as giving people confidence that animals adopted from a shelter are not only healthy and well cared for, but well socialised and ready to be a loving part of their family.

As long as all goes well tomorrow, and Teddy, Cara and Pearl are good to go for their desexing and rehoming we will be taking a break for a week or two to make sure Addy feels safe and secure, and our girls are settled.  They do seem to be much better with the feliway refill installed.  We may post some stories of other foster carers while we take a break :)

I feel it important to thank those who have helped make our fostering time an enjoyable one, and allowing us to do the work we do, while still earning a living.  Huge thanks go to our landlord (I believe she reads the blog).  Without her incredible love of animals and willingness to have them in our home, we would not only be unable to foster, but unable to have a home here in the ACT.  Thanks to the RSPCA for all the food, litter, vet care and advice they give in huge amounts, and for setting up the program down here.  This is so necessary around not only Australia, but the world.  It goes hand in hand with desexing and animal care education as well as animal management and legislation to care for animals that we, human society, have domesticated for our own purposes.  Also a thank you to Adorne for their wonderful donation late last year of a whole bunch of hand towels.  These are an invaluable resource when you have such young ones as ours, and though you can buy cheapies they are not nearly as useful, comfortable or cuddly for the kittens as your beautiful fluffy towels. Last, but certainly not least - thank you to each and every person who reads this.  YOU are the people who can make a difference.  Simply spread the word to whomever you know.  Not just about Bailment Kittens, but the importance of desexing and socialising animals properly.

Once again, a short post has turned into a novel... here's the pics!!

1 comment:

  1. one of these cats is the cutest cat on the internet. i'll let you decide which
