Sunday, November 14, 2010

Strong with the force, young Skywalker is...

Dora (the Explorer) got a special treat this evening, getting a nice warm bath to clean her up.  Here she's shown wrapped up in a nice fluffy towel recovering with some snuggles from arbie.  It may have something to do with the fact that she looks like a drowned rat cat in this photo, and I know she's the wrong species and gender, but I can't help thinking that she looks like Yoda in this shot.

Tomorrow we will weigh the little munchkins and see how much weight they've put on.  This should make for some very cute photos!  If I bathe the others afterwards, once their coats have dried out they'll probably have lost about 100g in weight.  Unfortunately their tendancy to climb into their food bowls and less-than-stellar bathroom habits mean that they all get very filthy very quickly.  I'm certainly glad I'm not a mother-cat, having to clean the little ones with her tongue!

In other news, I'm waiting for a "cease and desist" nastygram from whoever owns the rights to the "Dora the Explorer" character, alleging that arbie (temporarily) naming a kitten after their character is causing irreparable damage to their brand, for which damages are not an adequate remedy. I think a similar thing happened to Scott Adams back in ~1995: 

(I'm now waiting for the copyright nastygram from United Feature Syndicate, notwithstanding that them putting an "embed" link on the site which generates the HTML to embed the above image constitutes an implied licence)

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