They are not entirely out of the woods yet, but to make it to 3 weeks (and starting to wean) is a very big deal indeed.
And the best part about today?! I am so excited because today was the benchmark I set for myself to be allowed to name them!! So here's our 3 little superstars:
Cara is the smallest of the 3 but she makes up for it with a big personality. She is named in honour of a little 1 year old girl in the USA who is currently fighting for her life too. The little girl requires a heart transplant and people all over the globe are keeping everything crossed that she gets one soon. And so Cara the kitten it is... they are both strong little fighters. Just to make a point, Cara ate more than she ever has this morning. She drank more milk than I've ever seen her drink AND she ate more wet kitten food than she's ever eaten on top of that.
Pearl is the cream tabby and the larger of the 2 girls. She is named in honour of my Nana who sadly passed away on 21st November. If there is one woman in this world who personified kicking arse and taking names, it was Pearl. And so, I've given this very special name to this very special kitten. There won't be a string of Pearls happening (oh god, the pun) - just this one. So she will always be very special, just as my brilliant, wonderful Nana was. And when she goes I will miss her, just as I miss my Nana so very much.
Teddy is the boy of the gang, and the biggest and fluffiest of them all. He is not named after anyone in particular, it is just owing to his very teddy bear like face, and incredibly soft fluffy fur. I love to cuddle this little teddy bear.
So there we have it, week 3 reached. I can't wait until week 4 when I can let them run around a bit, litter train them and have them completely weaned. It's then that they start to become the kittens they really are. Onwards and upwards!
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